mmg la mase interview tu kene ade teaching mode skill and my sis past la buat bendalah tu.but then bile pegi next stage, depa ask my sis what expected that she want? sis said rm 1800...and they laughing.."we cant pay u as what u expecting sis ask them what exactly the price?..they said between 1000 to 1200 even they got Masters..maigudness..1000 to 1200 sangat tak berbaloi plus this college sangat2 jauh dari rumah kami & sungguh tak berbaloi..di tmbh pulak, dorang tak de pulak offer at least hostel kan..
such an idiot managment! sempat jugak aku tanya one of the student over there how much does it cost on 1 semester , not bad about 5k for 5 month..but then they can afford to pay as what lecturer shld be paid.embrassing!
means, tak semua la kolej swasta ni provide lecturers gaji sodap pensyarah di kolej swatsa ituwww, sy tabik anda krna berjaya manage financial anda..yg single okey lagi kot..yg dah beranak pinak, oh gods.
i wonder , when kerajaan nak setup gaji utk swasta? ermmmm